New Patients

Non-urgent advice: New Patient Notice

Please be aware that you can download the registration form or complete it online but you must attend the surgery and bring with you the relevant documentation to support your registration.

The drop-down below shows you the types of evidence that are required and valid.

Types of valid evidence

Registering for NHS services and care

NB: We are now required to check the entitlement to NHS services in the United Kingdom of everyone requesting to register with our practice.

Full entitlement (permanent resident)

  • UK resident: – lives for most of the year within the practice catchment area [note A] the receptionist will need to see;
  • Evidence of identity: Good photo ID (passport, driving licence, official identity card) or birth certificate or marriage certificate
  • Evidence of address: Council tax bill, paid utility bill, wage slip, bank statement etc.
  • Evidence of status (patient from outside the EEA overseas only)
  • Visa/residence permit/work permit. The visa or permit must be for more then 6 months. Individuals who can provide this evidence are entitled to register immediately, they do not have to be resident for 6 months to qualify. A visa for less than 6 months is classified as visit status and therefore individuals are not entitled to NHS care. The exception to this rule is a person who has been given leave to enter the UK by the Home Office to marry someone who is ordinarily resident here. They may be regarded as taking up permanent residence and as therefore entitled to register immediately.
  • Persons from countries within the EEA: A valid EEA passport (visa is not required) or a European Identity Card and evidence of address i.e. council tax bill, paid utility bill etc.
  • Asylum Seeker: Patient who has formally applied for asylum [Note C].
  • Evidence of identity/status: IND (Immigration and Nationality Directorate) Application Registration Cared, relevant Home Office documentation etc [Note D]
  • Evidence of address: council tax bill, paid utility bill etc.

Student – patient is studying and not in full time employment [Note E]
Evidence of identity: Good photo ID (passport, driving licence, student identity card) Birth certificate, Marriage certificate.

Evidence of status: Letter from educational establishment [Note f]

  • Student visa (for patient from overseas)
  • Evidence of address: Council tax bill, paid utility bill, wage slip, bank statement etc
  • Partial entitlement (Temporary Resident)

EEA resident – entitled to ‘any necessary care’ [Note G]

  • Evidence of identity/status: Passport, official identity card

Non EEA Resident: Visa valid for more than 6 months (with 3 months or less left to run)

  • Evidence of identity/status: Visa/Residence permit/work permit (as previously stated for UK Resident


(a) UK residents are those residing in the country for a ‘legal and settled purpose’. In plain terms are entitled to be in the country and the address, which is within the practice’;s catchment area, is their main address.

(b) A patient with a working holiday visa (issued for more than 6 months) is entitled, but just for all the time they are actually working – we are required to see evidence of that employment. 

(c) Asylum seekers are entitled to free NHSD Primary Care services for the entire term of their application process and including any appeals. Any person who has achieved regugee status is also entitled.

(d) It is important to remember that the asylum process is a temporar one, and that at some point the patient’s status will change. The status will be checked with the immigration authorities every 6 months.

(e) Students are entitled of the course is full time (15 hours or more per week) and of at least 6 months duration – or if less than 6 months , substantially funded by the UK government (i.e. university course)

(f) However as stiudent status is temporary and when that period is over further proof of eligibility will need to then be sought.

(g) ‘Any necessary care’ includes necessary treatment for pre-existing conditions, as well as those arising after arrival in the country. It should not include provision of treatment past the date of the end of the visit, or elective care.

Other Information

Entitlement is on the basis of residency; therefore UK citizens who now live abroad for most of the year are not entitled (with the exception of those now resident in an EEA member state) Anyone leaving the UK for more than 3 months will be removed from the practice list as soon as possible after the GP or PCT is informed.

Dependents of legally registered patients are also entitled as Long as they are the spouse or the child, and live permanently at that address and can fulfil the evidence of status criteria.

Registering with Danes Camp Medical Centre

Patients are able to register with the practice if they live within the practice boundary area (see front page). Registration forms can be obtained from Reception or by downloading this GSM1 form in the New Patient Registration Pack.

You will need to complete the form below for each person you wish to register with our Practice.

As part of the registration process please fill in our new patient questionnaire and make an appointment to see one of our practice nurses for a 15 minute health check. This gives us the chance to meet you, make an assessment of your current health prior to the arrival of your full medical records and to give appropriate treatment or advice as required. If you have problems completing the forms then please ask one of the staff for assistance.

Patients register with the practice not an individual practitioner but may see any of the doctors, although it is preferable to see the same doctor for an ongoing condition to aid continuity of care. However patients have a right to express a preference to see a particular practitioner. Please ask the receptionist to record your preference onto the computer system. We would advise that this might result in slightly longer wait for an appropriate appointment. Patients requiring urgent appointments will be expected to see the duty doctor who may not be their preferred practitioner.

We encourage all new patients to have a 15 minute FREE registration medical check with the practice nurse. This enables us to find out about any existing problems for which you are receiving treatment and also to help you live a healthy lifestyle.

The nurse will ask about current and past illnesses and operations, any illnesses that run in the family, medication and allergies, screening tests e.g. cervical smears and immunisations. The Nurse will check your blood pressure, weight, and height and test a sample of your urine. You are also offered advice on healthy eating, exercise, sensible limits for alcohol and how to stop smoking.

The practice nurse will assess your risk of heart disease and can arrange a cholesterol check if appropriate.