The nurses offer 10 minute minor illness consultations where they are able to assess, advise and treat many conditions, such as:
- cystitis,
- sore throat,
- skin and nail infections,
- hay fever,
- nappy rash,
- conjunctivitis,
- minor injuries,
- diarrhoea and vomiting.
Our practice nurses who run the minor illness clinics have received specialist training ad both of them have head further training to qualify for the Extended Formulary Nurse Prescribing which enables them to prescribe from a list of commonly needed drugs and medications. Our receptionists may give you the option of seeing a nurse or you may ask specifically for them.
Nurse Led Minor Illness Clinic Nurse led minor illness clinics are a straightforward way to reduce the workload of GPs within general practice given that minor illness accounts for 20% of this every day (Hassell et al 2001). There has been a significant amount of research undertaken to assess how effective these nurse led clinics are and the evidence shows that they are considered effective by the patients that use them (Keele University Study 2003). They form a key element of NHS modernisation (Dept. of Health 2003).
Improving minor illness management services is argued to:
- Empower patients to use more self care in the future.
- Make better use of the skills of the nurses and pharmacists.
- Improve access in primary care.
- Enable GPs to allocate more consultations to non-minor conditions.
- Reduce A E consultations for minor illness.