Helping patients to be active in their care and recovery
Our clinical team at Danes Camp Medical Centre believe that your involvement in your care is important. Here are some useful ideas to help you to make positive choices about your health and to help your recovery.
Counselling Services
Northampton Pastoral Counselling Service offers one-to-one counselling . There are no religious obligations. Tel: 01604 401 010.
Manna House Counselling Service Deals with a range of issues – From relationship problems to sexual abuse. Based on Christian values it is open to all. Tel: 01604 633 304.
Lifestyle Services
Activity on referral scheme – An exercise referral scheme is available for patient suffering from anxiety or depression, who don’t exercise at present. Please ask your GP or Nurse about this scheme. Also Northampton Borough Council Healthy Walks Scheme Tel:01604 837 647.
Age Concern – Offers home visiting, home delivery services and a wide range of social inclusion and education projects. Tel: 01604 611 200.
Expert patient and Living Well Courses – For people suffering from long term or recurrent health problems, e.g. anxiety or depression. They aim to promote skills, confidence and understanding of chronic illness. Tel: 01604 237 809.
Library Services, Northampton – have a wide range of resources including books and Internet access to find advice or information. Tel: 01604 462 040.
Carers Support Groups
Northamptonshire Carers offer support and information and social activities. Tel: 01604 624 088.
Ability Carers Forum offers support and advice on carers’ issues and information. Tel: 01604 624088.
Campbell House Carers Group holds monthly meetings between mental health professionals and carers of young people with a mental health problem. Tel: 01604 658 827.
NUTRAK is a charity which supports people who are unemployed and on benefits. It offers free courses aimed at raising self esteem and developing new skills. Tel: 01604 639 722.
Northampton Volunteer Bureau offers opportunities for volunteer work in the town. It is possible to develop many areas of interest e.g. teaching and mental health. Travel expenses are paid. Tel: 01604 637 522.
The Employment and Disability Service works to equip individuals with jobs in the local workforce. They provide long term support for individuals and their employers.
Useful Organisations
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) organise regular meetings for those dealing with drink related problems . Tel: 01604 637 788.
Aquarius (Addiction) offers a range of services and programmes and social activities. Tel 01604 632421.
CAN drug and alcohol drop in centre which offers help and support for users and their families, affected by drugs, alcohol or homelessness. Services include counselling, advice on voluntary work and assistance with housing issues. Tel: 01604 622 121.
Spring House NHS treatment service offering detoxification treatment in the community and in hospital. Offers advice on criminal justice system, probation matters, pregnancy testing and needle exchange. Tel: 01604 233 227.
Sub Zero Service for young people, their families and carers. They deal with substance misuse and mental health problems related to social or educational exclusion via GP or self referral. Tel: 01604 544 530.
Welfare Rights Advice Service provides help and advice with all aspects of welfare benefits Tel: 01604 636 112.
Advocacy Northamptonshire a service offering help and assistance for people with disabilities in all aspects of care and choice. Tel: 01604 639 813.
Users Support Service offers advocacy to people who use or have used mental health services. Tel: 01604 259 703.
Useful Telephone Numbers and websites
Cruse Bereavement Care: 01604 416 800
Relate (Relationship and Family Counselling) 01604 634 400
Marriage Care 0207 371 1341
Pastoral Counselling 01604 401 010
Citizen’s Advice Bureau 01604 636 000
Northampton Borough Council Housing and Money Advice Centre 01604 238 740
Mind 01604 624 951
The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90
Some useful websites – benefits advice
Five steps to healthy eating
Alcohol The recommended units of alcohol per week are Men:21 Women:14. Drinking more than 6 units on one occasion is not recommended.
Drugs Illegal drugs can ruin lives and have an unpredictable effect on your health.
Exercise Medical evidence has shown that keeping physically active is good for both the mind and body. We recommend that you take 20 minutes of vigorous exercise 3 times a week. For the less able 3 sessions of 45 minutes of moderate exercise such as rapid walking.
Healthy Eating If you eat a balanced, healthy diet this reduces tiredness, protects your immune system and gives you more energy. Our Practice Nurses are able to give advice on diet and healthy eating. Please book an appointment at reception.
Smoking Cessation Our Practice Nurses have information on how to stop smoking and are able to provide some one-to-one support. Please see our Practice Leaflet or Practice Nursing Leaflet for details or book an appointment at Reception.