Northamptonshire Stop Smoking Service is still operational during COVID19. Please contact our Health Care Assistants or Practice Nurse to refer you.
Smoking Cessation
The practice is active in encouraging patients to stop smoking and participates in the Northampton PCT Stop Smoking Campaign. The Practice Nurses see patients by appointment to deal with smoking cessation. They provide advice, resources such as leaflets and aids and subsequent follow up appointments as well as prescribing Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
Pharmacy Support
Support can also be accessed via a drop in style service at one of the PCT’s specially trained pharmacists in Northampton where information, support and NRT are available.
FREE Stop Smoking Groups
The PCT run local stop smoking groups in both community settings and at Northampton General Hospital throughout the year. This enables potential quitters to gain information and benefit from meeting other people also wishing to give up.
Local NHS Stop Smoking Support Service Helpline (01604) 615272
Based at Northampton PCT Headquarters in Highfield, Northampton. The team are available to signpost people to specific services in Northampton; provide advice, support and resources.
NHS Smoking Helpline
0800 169 0 169
Lines open daily from 7am to 11pm with specialist advisers available from 10am to 11pm.
Specialist advice about smoking and pregnancy
Help line 0800 169 9 169
Open daily 12noon to 9pm
Useful External Quit Smoking sites:
No Smoking Day may be gone but whenever your quit day is, browse the links on this page for motivation, information and expert advice.
Smokefree– Accommodation, Dining, Drinking and Functions in a totally Smokefree environment.
Gosmokefree – This website contains detailed information about the free NHS support services.
Smoking Cessation – NHS Direct Site – if you smoke, giving up is probably the greatest single step you can take to improve your health.
Quit Org. – Quit is the independent charity whose aim is to save lives by helping smokers to stop.
Smoking Quitters Cost Tool – Calculate the money you will save with NHS Direct quitters cost calculator and plan how to spend it.
ASH – Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a campaigning public health charity that works to eliminate the h
arm caused by tobacco.