Who is a Carer?
You are a carer if you provide regular and substantial support to either a child or an adult who cannot manage on their own at home. This may because they have a physical disability, a learning disability, they have mental health needs, or they are ill or frail.
If you are currently acting as a carer for a relative, dependent child or other person then please let the practice know in order that we may note this on your records. The practice has a carers policy which is available on request from the Practice Manager.
Young Carers
Young Carers are those under the age of 18 who provide or intend to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis. They often have additional pressures on them and this can be a difficult and stressful responsibility for many young people.
Please let the practice know that you are a carer.
Please tell the Receptionist, the GP or Practice Nurse who will ensure that your records are updated.
OR Download our Carers registration form here
The practice may be able to help you as a carer by:
- Providing information and advice on medical conditions and treatments on the medical condition of the person you care for.
- Recording the fact that you are a carer into your medical records ensures that this fact is taken into account in your medical care. With your permission this fact can be disclosed if you have to be referred to the hospital for treatment and may impact on the levels of urgency with which you are seen.
- From time to time the government asks GPs to ensure that at risk groups such as carers receive vaccinations e.g. influenza.
- Arranging for the pharmacist to deliver prescriptions if required.
- Putting you in touch with other sources of support and advice or assistance e.g. continence services, blue badge schemes
- They will also let you know about the facility for requesting a Carers assessment.
What is a Carers Assessment?
For many people the caring they do has a great effect on their lives and that of their family. A Carers assessment is a meeting with a professional worker where you can talk about how the care that you give affects you and your family. It is an opportunity to discuss what help you need, and what would help you stay well. Without support, carers may experience a number of difficulties including stress, anxiety, tiredness or even illness.
If you are a carer, you have the right to a Cares Assessment even if the person you care for does not want any services. You can ask social services for an individual assessment of your needs as a carer. You can make an application yourself to have this assessment carried out. Contact your local social services office at John Dryden House, Northampton for information or advice.
Who can I contact at the surgery?
If you have any medical queries then please make an appointment with the Practice Nurses or the GPs. However if you have any other queries or need help then please contact our Practice Manager, Sally-Anne Pike
When the practice is closed please contact 111 who will give you advice and guidence.
Where to go for more information and advice
Northampton County Council have an excellent website www.caringnorthants.org.uk which has many useful addresses and carers information
Carers UK provide a free “Carers Information Pack” which includes information about assessments and your rights as a carer. Telephone 0808 808 7777
Crossroads caring for carers provides paid, trained carer support workers to go into the home on a regular basis to give carers a break. Telephone: 0845 450 0350
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers supports carers through its network of 115 independently managed Carers’ Centres, outreach services and an interactive website www.carers.org, Telephone 020 7480 7788
Does the person you are caring for have a learning disability? The Learning Disability Helpline provided by MENCAP have a 24 hour confidential telephone service which offers information and advice for anyone with a learning disability, their family and their carers Telephone 0808 808 111 or www.mencap.org.uk
The Benefits National Enquiry Line provides advice and information on what benefits are available and if you are entitled to them. They can also send the benefits claims forms to you. As well as benefits in some cases they can help you access grants such as Community Care Grants which can help for things like travelling to see a relative. You can also down load grant application forms from the website. Telephone 0800 88 22 00 or www.dwp.gov.uk