Masks With Effect From 19/07/21
Throughout the pandemic we have strived to make the surgery as safe as possible for all our patients and staff. We will continue to do so.
For your protection, and ours, from the 19th July nothing will change at the surgery – patients will still need to wear a mask, socially distance and use hand sanitiser in the surgery, and staff will continue to wear PPE.
When people come to us they are sick and vulnerable (and some cannot receive the covid vaccinations for medical reasons) so it would be wrong not to continue with these small precautions for the present.
The East Hunsbury Community has come so far in trying to minimise the impact of Covid and we are sure you will understand that we need to keep the surgery as safe for ALL patients as we can.
In terms of opening up, as many of you know, we have never been shut and in fact have consulted with many more patients than we did pre-Covid (face to face, by phone, by e consult and by video), and vaccinated 90% of the adult population twice in the last 6 months. We will continue to maintain these service levels.
This has all been a mammoth challenge, and we are very grateful for your co-operation over the last 18 months. Defeating this virus may take a little longer, but with your continued support and help there is every chance we will do so.